“Gods, Myths and Mortals: Discover Ancient Greece” NEW YORK -- The Chidren's Museum of Manhattan has announced an upcoming national exhibit that will introduce children in New York and across the United States to the world of ancient Greece. Scheduled to open in February 2007, the 4,000 sq. ft. exhibition will feature a dynamic interactive environment that will engage children intellectually and emotionally.
According to the museum's press release: Just as Odysseus traveled on his epic journey to finally arrive home, Gods, Myths and Mortals: Discover Ancient Greece will take children on a journey home to the roots of Western culture.
Kathryn Jaharis, chair of the event announcing the exhibit, noted that the “museum is returning children and families to the roots of western civilization. I suggest we do what we can to help make that happen.”
Planning efforts have received support from members of the Greek community in New York, private foundations (Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation and Jaharis Foundation) and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The goal is to raise $1.7 million, of which nearly $480,000 has already been committed.
The new national exhibit will introduce six to ten year-old children and their families to the exciting world of ancient Greece; challenge them to reconstruct the ancient past, and encourage them to find traces of Hellenic culture in their own lives and the world around them. The format of the proposed exhibition will include original artifacts, replicas, theatrical experiences, multimedia games and hands-on interactive stations to create varied ways for museum visitors to learn about ancient Greek culture.
The exhibition is based on five themes relevant to ancient Greece and its impact on present day life: the relationship between the human and divine; rational inquiry of self and the world; transmission of values and ideals in ancient Greece; how we learn about the past; and Hellenic contributions to the modern society, including the arts, democracy, history, and scientific thought and process. Public programs and educational programming accompanying the exhibition will include extensive school-based programs, teachers’ guides, performance series, public lectures for adults and an interactive website. ΠΗΓΉ . john metaxas.com Απο τις δραστηριότητες της ομογένειας που ατενίζουσα το απώτερο μέλλον χρησιμοποιεί τις εκθέσεις της για να υπενθυμίζει στις νέες γενιές τίς ρίζες του πολιτισμού τους.www.lornion.blogspot.com
Learn more about the Children’s Museum of Manhattan: www.cmom.org or 212-721-1223.
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